11 January, 2012

From Oskar to Crapboy

Well, shit. Today DEERHUNTER is on, but I have made the decision to not tape it. Youre probably saying "what the fuck, you asshole" but I can't have it w/o it being fucked up. Because it's on TV, there will be no break for tapes, and of course I don't have a tape long enough. So when I switch tapes, it will get fucked up. Can't have that. All or nothing. Tonight is als CARLITOS WAY in ltetterbox 2:35:1.

Today I taped DARK PASSAGE and THE BIRDS, tomorrow, DOUBLE INDEMNITY. Yesterday I was at the library looking at the scripts, and they got lots more than what I saw on the catalog system. They had THE 400 BLOWS, KNIFE IN THE WATER, more, more, and SUNSET BLVD. I almost shitted when I saw that. I checked it out, and its a xerox of the original I think. Its typewrittin, and got writing or rather, lines, on it. The beginning is diff. Holden is in a morgue talking to other dead guys and thus we hear his story.

I read on the net that they changed it to the pool because at test screens people laughed at the morgue scene when they weren't supposed to. I am going to xerox the whole thing and bind it. It's 120 pages so it'll cost about 6 dollar. It's worth it, most definitely. I showed some people your script. Pissy probably just didn't understand its meaning, and Hajiet said it was disturbed. Everyone here thinks you're a sick motherfucker for one reason or another. Dago is getting shit from his roommate. His mate is a spic, and he's made up some bullshit about Dago being a racist, and he's getting hell for it. The thing is, it ain't true. Dago getting fucked by liberals who want to attack whitey. It's bullshit. He brought our names for each other in it too. That's not even any of his fucking business. This spic boy is all into Nirvana and shit. He's our alternative spic. He's a dick.

When Vic told you he's seen IN COLD BLOOD did he do that shit like it's the best fucking flick in the world, and he's really cool cause he's seen it? The same shit he was shoveling with THE KILLING FIELDS. Vic is nothing but bullshit. He thinks he deserves a reward cause he watches movies on Bravo. Doesn't even give one that they're edited and shit. I won't watching nothing on there that's edited. Can't do that shit. Kick his ass for me. Hit him and say it's from me. Then tell him I say "fuck you."

Damn! I was at the library again today, to take a close look at the scripts. Shit. They got lots and lots of stuff man. They gots SEVEN SAMURAI, TOUCH OF EVIL, SEVENTH SEAL, JULES & JIM, SHOOT THE PIANO PLAYER, IVAN THE TERRIBLE, GREED (von stroheim), AGUIRRE, KASPER HAUSER, Bunuel films, POTEMKIN, THE GENERAL, lots more, and lots more. They got lots of director books too. I saw one on that Haji Ray guy.

Yesterday on the net I looked up the release date of SUNSET BLVD., so I could look at it to copy the ad. It said Aug 10, 1950. I looked in the LA Times and it wasn't there. What the fuck? Then I looked up a '73 paper. There were ads for Polanski's MACBETH, GODFATHER, and A CLOCKWORK ORANGE (said Rated 'X'). I didn't copy none yet cause you gots to use diff matchines. I think a good way to learn how to write scripts is to read classics, or any for that matter, and just learn from them. I wish I had nothin to do here cause I would jsut hang at the library copying shit, or read all them books. I got to buy more tapes man. I will barely make it through the month, I might have to get some 120s anyway. The Hajis said they saw at a store PULP FICTION in LBX w/unseen material - the Director's cut. for like 14 dollars. Shit. Maybe they gots it down there. I bet all these fuckhead losers will buy it like Magyar, and complain about the letterbox. "I don't like those bars, they cut stuff out of the movie." The thing is, even if they knew, they probably wouldn't care. As you were saying about Stan the man and old Peck being the only good directors working in the 60's, you forgot Johnny Frankenheimer. There ain't shit at the Crest this month. Soon they're getting some piece of shit about Dead heads. I hate those fucks.

In that movie, MARKED WOMAN, there's this scene where these ho's are talkin about what they did that night. One said something like "I ate so much chop suey I'm about to put my hair in braids and open up a laundry shop." It was funny as hell, especially now since chinks could stuff about chinks like that you just don't hear. It was cool though, cause there were only about 20 people there, and C. 450 seats. Mostly loners too. That's how it should be. Last night they played CASINO. I went of course. They were supposed to have HEAT, but CASINO's better, much better. All the fuckheads here say they want to see it, but do they, no. Of course not. They're not good enough anyway. Most people in that theatre weren't good enough. Furthermore, they can all go fuck themselves.

Hey man, what Godard films have you watched? How about LA CHINOISE or TOUT VA BIEN. Have you ever seen that Bunuel film L'Age d'Or? It was banned for a while cause its anti-clericalism. What a pile of shit. I'm going to go watch another Bette Davis flick, DARK VICTORY at campus camera again. Hopefully it will be like last week. I set the timer for that Woody Allen Flick, but I typed the wrong channel. Damn. I got to start doing push-ups. All this sitting is rotting my body. Last night I was accused of being a fag because I'm homophobic. Will explain more next time

[Written inside the envelope flap: A visit from my bathroom. Included in the envelope was a used twin blade razor.]

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